“Made in China” makes good sense

Posted by Ivy Leung on

My husband Bobby and I founded Soapnut Republic in China, and we proudly manufacture our natural home care range to the highest quality standards in Shanghai.


We're often asked why we manufacture here, and not in Australia or New Zealand (where we’re originally from). There are two very simple reasons.


1. Soapnut berries don't grow natively in Australia or New Zealand. Soapnuts are native to China, where they have been used for centuries for cleaning and in natural skin remedies. Soapnut berry extract (a natural soap) is the main ingredient in all Soapnut Republic products. It makes good sense for us to manufacture close to the source of our key raw material.

1. 無患子並非澳洲或新西蘭原生植物。中國是無患子的原產地,千百年來,它一直被用於清潔和天然肌膚護理。無患子的提取物(天然皂角)正是我們Soapnut Republic所有產品中最主要的成分。將廠址設在離核心原料的原產地最近的地方自然是無可厚非的了。

2. It doesn't make sense to ship cleaning products across the world. Next time you're shopping the supermarket shelves or browsing online, check out the plethora of (usually overpriced) imported laundry and cleaning products. Think about the long journey those products have taken across the seas to end up in China, and the environmental consequences of that process. It's mind blowing. It makes so much more sense to purchase high quality, safe products that have been manufactured locally.

2. 大費周張、遠隔重洋地銷售或購買清潔用品本身並無實際意義。下次當您在逛超市或瀏覽電商平台時,請留意那些數量可觀、價格不菲的進口洗衣、清潔用品。再想想,它們被銷往中國前經歷的漫長旅途,以及由此造成的環境影響,其間的資源浪費和破壞是多麼驚人。而相較之下,就地取材、在地銷售購買高品質、安全無公害的產品才更加合理。

Manufacturing standards and testing requirements have progressed significantly in China over the past decade, to the extent that I do not believe we could manufacture our non-toxic, allergen free, biodegradable products to any higher level of quality if we manufactured offshore. We also have the benefit of Vegan and Cruelty Free status for our home care and personal care products (PETA certified), which is not possible for many imported brands. This means we never have and never will test our products on animals.


That’s all from me this week. Best wishes to you and your families for the Year of the Pig, and I hope you are enjoying the holiday!


- Kim

Founder, Soapnut Republic
Soapnut Republic創始人

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